The school handbook provides a wealth of information and should be read by all new parents. However, this page picks out some of the key questions that parents may have about the school. If you have any other frequently asked questions that you think could be usefully added to this page, please do let us know.
What would you like to know?
Uniform and equipment
What is the school uniform?
There is no uniform at Europa School. Pupils are expected to dress sensibly for the weather and activities and to look smart and ready for learning. Especially for primary, only allow your children to wear clothes that you don’t mind getting dirty.
There is no uniform at Europa School. Pupils are expected to dress sensibly for the weather and activities and to look smart and ready for learning. Especially for primary, only allow your children to wear clothes that you don’t mind getting dirty.
What does my child need to bring to school?
Please ensure that all items are clearly marked with you child’s name. If you need easy to use name labels you can buy Stickins labels – a percentage of the amount that you spend will be donated to the PTA.
Reception to year 2
Bring each day:
Keep in school:
Please ensure that all items are clearly marked with you child’s name. If you need easy to use name labels you can buy Stickins labels – a percentage of the amount that you spend will be donated to the PTA.
Reception to year 2
Bring each day:
- School book bag (children will be given this when they start in reception)
- Water bottle
- Snack box (see section on food and snacks below)
- Waterproof coat
Keep in school:
- Pair of indoor plimsolls or slippers which are kept at the school (with waterproof soles in case children need to leave the classroom in an emergency)
- PE bag containing shorts, t-shirt, plimsolls/trainers, tracksuit for cold weather
- (Reception and year 1) set of spare clothes (underwear, socks, trousers, top) – in PE bag
- (Reception) pair or wellies with name written on the sole
Please note that the school is nut free: ensure that your child does not inadvertently bring any nuts to school in snacks, lunches or cakes.
What will my child eat for lunch?
The school has a canteen serving hot lunches. Alternatively, children are welcome to bring their own packed lunches (with water to drink). Further information, included detailed menus, is available on the school’s canteen page.
Primary children have a set menu on a three-weekly cycle, with occasional special days (eg Christmas dinner, bonfire night). All children from Reception through to Year 2 are entitled to free school lunches: if your child does not want a school lunch, you will need to opt out. For children in Years 3-6, you can pay for lunches through the iPay account (£2.60 per meal); if you are entitled to pupil premium, you may also be able to claim free school meals. Primary children must either be signed up for hot lunches or not – there is no option to have hot lunches on some days and packed lunches on others.
Secondary children have a range of choices each day, including soup, a meat/fish option, a vegetarian option and a street food option. These change on a three-weekly cycle. Lunches are paid for through the iPay account.
The school has a canteen serving hot lunches. Alternatively, children are welcome to bring their own packed lunches (with water to drink). Further information, included detailed menus, is available on the school’s canteen page.
Primary children have a set menu on a three-weekly cycle, with occasional special days (eg Christmas dinner, bonfire night). All children from Reception through to Year 2 are entitled to free school lunches: if your child does not want a school lunch, you will need to opt out. For children in Years 3-6, you can pay for lunches through the iPay account (£2.60 per meal); if you are entitled to pupil premium, you may also be able to claim free school meals. Primary children must either be signed up for hot lunches or not – there is no option to have hot lunches on some days and packed lunches on others.
Secondary children have a range of choices each day, including soup, a meat/fish option, a vegetarian option and a street food option. These change on a three-weekly cycle. Lunches are paid for through the iPay account.
Are any snacks provided?
Children in Reception through to Year 2 receive a piece of fruit (or vegetables) in the morning. Many of these classes also break for an afternoon snack, with children bringing their own fruit or vegetables in a labelled box – check this with your class teacher.
Children who are aged four are able to receive free milk (register on the Cool Milk website). Children aged 5-11 can register for subsidised milk.
Older children may bring their own healthy snacks to eat during the day.
Children in Reception through to Year 2 receive a piece of fruit (or vegetables) in the morning. Many of these classes also break for an afternoon snack, with children bringing their own fruit or vegetables in a labelled box – check this with your class teacher.
Children who are aged four are able to receive free milk (register on the Cool Milk website). Children aged 5-11 can register for subsidised milk.
Older children may bring their own healthy snacks to eat during the day.
Can my child bring cakes on their birthday?
Yes, children may celebrate their birthday by bringing in (nut free) cakes or other snacks for their class (please ensure that you provide enough for the class) – do not bring sweets. Cakes must be cut into pieces and napkins/paper plates provided.
Yes, children may celebrate their birthday by bringing in (nut free) cakes or other snacks for their class (please ensure that you provide enough for the class) – do not bring sweets. Cakes must be cut into pieces and napkins/paper plates provided.
How do the school terms work?
Our term dates don’t always match those of other schools in Oxfordshire. In particular, the summer half term is often at a different time and the summer holidays generally start two weeks earlier. The after-school club usually runs a holiday club during those weeks which do not coincide with other Oxfordshire state schools.
You can see the term dates for the coming year in the school calendar.
Our term dates don’t always match those of other schools in Oxfordshire. In particular, the summer half term is often at a different time and the summer holidays generally start two weeks earlier. The after-school club usually runs a holiday club during those weeks which do not coincide with other Oxfordshire state schools.
You can see the term dates for the coming year in the school calendar.
What are the school hours?
The school opens at 8 am. The playground will be supervised from this time and children can be dropped off at the school.
The primary school classrooms open their doors at 8.20 am and class begins at 8.25 am. School ends at 3.35 pm. Children in the Reception classes may be collected from 3.15 pm.
Secondary school pupils must be in their classroom by 8.10 am, ready for school to start at 8.15 am. School ends at 3.45 pm. Parents are encouraged to wait until 4 pm before coming to pick up secondary pupils, to help reduce congestion in the car park.
The school opens at 8 am. The playground will be supervised from this time and children can be dropped off at the school.
The primary school classrooms open their doors at 8.20 am and class begins at 8.25 am. School ends at 3.35 pm. Children in the Reception classes may be collected from 3.15 pm.
Secondary school pupils must be in their classroom by 8.10 am, ready for school to start at 8.15 am. School ends at 3.45 pm. Parents are encouraged to wait until 4 pm before coming to pick up secondary pupils, to help reduce congestion in the car park.
How do I find out what’s happening at the school?
The school calendar, available on SchoolBase (see communications section below), provides details of term dates and also other useful information such as class meetings, library opening times, coffee mornings, events, outings and trips.
You can copy the following webcal link to your own calendar to add the school’s calendar and see the full feed: webcal://
The school calendar, available on SchoolBase (see communications section below), provides details of term dates and also other useful information such as class meetings, library opening times, coffee mornings, events, outings and trips.
You can copy the following webcal link to your own calendar to add the school’s calendar and see the full feed: webcal://
How do we get to and from the school?
Europa School only has a small car park available, which gets very congested. Parents are therefore encouraged to find alternative means of transport where possible, including car shares, walking/cycling or using the extensive parent-run bus system.
Please see our travel page for more information.
Europa School only has a small car park available, which gets very congested. Parents are therefore encouraged to find alternative means of transport where possible, including car shares, walking/cycling or using the extensive parent-run bus system.
Please see our travel page for more information.
Before and after school
Is there a before school/breakfast club?
There is no before school club, but children can be dropped off and will be supervised from 8 am. There is also an extensive bus system, with departure times in the morning between 6.55 am and 7.55 am (depending on where you get on), so making use of this may assist if you need an earlier start.
There is no before school club, but children can be dropped off and will be supervised from 8 am. There is also an extensive bus system, with departure times in the morning between 6.55 am and 7.55 am (depending on where you get on), so making use of this may assist if you need an earlier start.
Is there an after-school club?
There is an independently run Culham Afterschool club, located on the school premises (see school map). This runs from 3 pm to 6 pm every school day. It does get booked up, so make sure you register your interest as soon as possible. It is possible to pay for after school club using your tax-free childcare account or childcare vouchers.
The Culham Afterschool Club is run by Ruth Mullen who can be contacted on [email protected] or 07734 241447.
There is an independently run Culham Afterschool club, located on the school premises (see school map). This runs from 3 pm to 6 pm every school day. It does get booked up, so make sure you register your interest as soon as possible. It is possible to pay for after school club using your tax-free childcare account or childcare vouchers.
The Culham Afterschool Club is run by Ruth Mullen who can be contacted on [email protected] or 07734 241447.
Are there any after school activities?
For children from Year 1 upwards there are a wide range of after school activities, including language lessons, coding, sports, drama and music, arts and crafts, martial arts and chess. You can use the SchoolBase portal (see Communications section below) to sign up at the start of each term. There is a charge for activities and you will receive an invoice shortly after the start of term. It is possible to pay using your tax-free childcare account or childcare vouchers.
Details of after school activities are also available on the school website.
For children from Year 1 upwards there are a wide range of after school activities, including language lessons, coding, sports, drama and music, arts and crafts, martial arts and chess. You can use the SchoolBase portal (see Communications section below) to sign up at the start of each term. There is a charge for activities and you will receive an invoice shortly after the start of term. It is possible to pay using your tax-free childcare account or childcare vouchers.
Details of after school activities are also available on the school website.
How does the school stay in touch with me?
The SchoolBase parent portal allows quick and easy communication between the school and parents. All parents are registered on the portal where you can check personal details, view absence records, book after school activities, check the calendar, sign up for parent-teacher meetings, view school reports and access school documents.
The school code is: 7587. Your username will usually be your email address, and the password will have been sent to you by the school. If you can't find it, please contact the school.
The school also uses email for important announcements and also keeps its website up-to-date. There is a weekly newsletter sent out by email and added to the SchoolBase portal. If you do not have email/internet access, please speak to the school who will be able to make paper copies available.
Class teachers can be contacted by email but please be aware that many of them work part time so may not respond until they are next in school.
The SchoolBase parent portal allows quick and easy communication between the school and parents. All parents are registered on the portal where you can check personal details, view absence records, book after school activities, check the calendar, sign up for parent-teacher meetings, view school reports and access school documents.
The school code is: 7587. Your username will usually be your email address, and the password will have been sent to you by the school. If you can't find it, please contact the school.
The school also uses email for important announcements and also keeps its website up-to-date. There is a weekly newsletter sent out by email and added to the SchoolBase portal. If you do not have email/internet access, please speak to the school who will be able to make paper copies available.
Class teachers can be contacted by email but please be aware that many of them work part time so may not respond until they are next in school.
How does the PTA stay in touch with me?
The PTA uses Classlist to stay in touch with parents. This is the means by which we advertise events, sell tickets and send out useful announcements about what's going on outside of the classroom.
Once you register you are completely in control of your data and can decide how much you share, what notifications you receive and what groups you join. You are able to leave at any time, at which point your data will be removed. It is a fully GDPR compliant system.
Register here (making sure that you add your children to the correct class!):
The PTA uses Classlist to stay in touch with parents. This is the means by which we advertise events, sell tickets and send out useful announcements about what's going on outside of the classroom.
Once you register you are completely in control of your data and can decide how much you share, what notifications you receive and what groups you join. You are able to leave at any time, at which point your data will be removed. It is a fully GDPR compliant system.
Register here (making sure that you add your children to the correct class!):
How do I contact other parents in my class?
Most classes will set up a class-wide group for communications, using WhatsApp and/or email, administered by the class reps. Your class teachers should be able to tell you who the class coordinators are if you have not been added to this list. Inclusion in parent communications is optional but highly recommended as a lot of useful information is passed on in this way.
You can also use Classlist for communications with other parents.
Most classes will set up a class-wide group for communications, using WhatsApp and/or email, administered by the class reps. Your class teachers should be able to tell you who the class coordinators are if you have not been added to this list. Inclusion in parent communications is optional but highly recommended as a lot of useful information is passed on in this way.
You can also use Classlist for communications with other parents.
What do the class coordinators do?
The role of the class coordinators is to act as a point of contact between the parents and the teachers – for example, if volunteers are needed in the classroom or on trips, the class reps will coordinate this. The class coordinators will also be asked by the PTA to pass on messages advertising events and fundraising activities, to make up the class hampers (to raffle off at the Christmas Fayre and the Summer Fete) and to arrange volunteers to assist at events.
Most classes have two coordinators who change each year and will be selected (pretty much based on who volunteers!) at the start of the year. If you are unsure who your class coordinator is, please check with another parent or ask one of your class teachers.
The linked guide below provides more information about the class coordinators.
The role of the class coordinators is to act as a point of contact between the parents and the teachers – for example, if volunteers are needed in the classroom or on trips, the class reps will coordinate this. The class coordinators will also be asked by the PTA to pass on messages advertising events and fundraising activities, to make up the class hampers (to raffle off at the Christmas Fayre and the Summer Fete) and to arrange volunteers to assist at events.
Most classes have two coordinators who change each year and will be selected (pretty much based on who volunteers!) at the start of the year. If you are unsure who your class coordinator is, please check with another parent or ask one of your class teachers.
The linked guide below provides more information about the class coordinators.

Guide to the role of the Class Coordinator | |
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Do you have a Facebook page?
The Primary Facebook page can be found here:
The Secondary Facebook page can be found here:
The Primary Facebook page can be found here:
The Secondary Facebook page can be found here:
Do I have to pay anything for my child to attend the school?
Europa School is a free school. This means that it is state-funded all-ability school and there is no charge for attending.
However, the school receives less funding per pupil than any other free school in England, whilst facing higher costs due to its commitment to a bilingual education. Parents are therefore asked to make the following voluntary contributions:
You can pay your £60 trip contribution directly into the school account using the following details:
Europa School UK
Sort code: 30 67 53
Account number: 25856968
Ref: Child’s name and class
Europa School is a free school. This means that it is state-funded all-ability school and there is no charge for attending.
However, the school receives less funding per pupil than any other free school in England, whilst facing higher costs due to its commitment to a bilingual education. Parents are therefore asked to make the following voluntary contributions:
- £60 per year towards school trips – if people don’t pay the trips may be cancelled
- £30 (or if possible more) per month though PayPal
You can pay your £60 trip contribution directly into the school account using the following details:
Europa School UK
Sort code: 30 67 53
Account number: 25856968
Ref: Child’s name and class
We only speak English at home – is that a problem?
The majority of the children starting in reception at the school do not speak their class language at home, though some are already bilingual in this or another language. However, there are lots of children who start at the school knowing only English. Allowances are made for this during the first year and by the end of reception the whole class will usually have a good level of understanding, though most won’t start voluntarily speaking the language until the end of Year 1.
For children joining in later years it will become increasingly difficult for them to join a class which speaks a language they have no knowledge of, so do consider this when transferring your child to the school. Children joining the Secondary school will be expected to have a reasonable level of fluency, approaching bilingualism.
Before applying to Europa School parents are asked to very carefully consider the long-term, whole-family commitment involved. Learning in two languages is a wonderful opportunity but it is hard work and needs your full commitment.
The majority of the children starting in reception at the school do not speak their class language at home, though some are already bilingual in this or another language. However, there are lots of children who start at the school knowing only English. Allowances are made for this during the first year and by the end of reception the whole class will usually have a good level of understanding, though most won’t start voluntarily speaking the language until the end of Year 1.
For children joining in later years it will become increasingly difficult for them to join a class which speaks a language they have no knowledge of, so do consider this when transferring your child to the school. Children joining the Secondary school will be expected to have a reasonable level of fluency, approaching bilingualism.
Before applying to Europa School parents are asked to very carefully consider the long-term, whole-family commitment involved. Learning in two languages is a wonderful opportunity but it is hard work and needs your full commitment.
Do you provide any language resources or support for parents to use at home?
Most class teachers will provide recordings of/YouTube links to the songs and stories that they use in class.
The Europa School UK language resources page has been created by parents at the school and has links to a good range of resources for French and German plus a few for Spanish.
The school library has books and DVDs in English, French, German and Spanish which the children can borrow.
Get to know the parents in your class: some of them will speak the language and will be able to assist with translations for homework etc.
The Unuhi app has been developed by parents of children at the school. This is a bilingual picture book aimed at kids from 2 to 8.
Beyond this there is a wealth of language learning resources available online and in app format, for both adults and children.
If as a parent trying to learn the language and you are looking for an app to use, here are a few options you may like to try:
Most class teachers will provide recordings of/YouTube links to the songs and stories that they use in class.
The Europa School UK language resources page has been created by parents at the school and has links to a good range of resources for French and German plus a few for Spanish.
The school library has books and DVDs in English, French, German and Spanish which the children can borrow.
Get to know the parents in your class: some of them will speak the language and will be able to assist with translations for homework etc.
The Unuhi app has been developed by parents of children at the school. This is a bilingual picture book aimed at kids from 2 to 8.
Beyond this there is a wealth of language learning resources available online and in app format, for both adults and children.
If as a parent trying to learn the language and you are looking for an app to use, here are a few options you may like to try: